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Telemarketing is one of the most popular marketing methods that many companies still chose to reach out to their consumers. With an expanding world, the consumer base is also growing. But the digital intervention has given consumers an upper hand in many brands’ exposure at one time. 

Being in a time, when you have more competitors than products to offer, your marketing strategy needs on the best line to seal the deals. Rather than just behaving like an absolutely pushy salesman, your team needs negotiators. A salesperson needs to close a sale with the best negotiation possible. 

Consumers are more aware of their choice of products and services than before. Hence, making them agree to purchase one particular product is a tough job to acquire. Every company tries its best to take leverage of any marketing benefits to achieve its goals.

Since the invention of telephones, it has become a mainstream media of marketing. Though the purpose it serves in marketing has changed over the decades. But the goal has remained the same using a telephone in direct marketing. And the focus is to reach its target customer base.

So what is telemarketing and how it is serving its cause in a digital world? In this blog, let’s discuss telemarketing and its methods, and benefits.



Telemarketing falls under direct marketing methods. The other name for telemarketing is telesales or inside sales in the west. In this method, one person tries to sell a product or a service to its potential buyers via telephonic calls. 

Even telemarketing has changed itself to remain relevant in the marketing world. Now you can find recorded sales pitches or programmes on tv. It also falls under telemarketing. Moreover, telemarketing can also include face-to-face calls or web conferencing for a subsequent time period. 

Except for mail, there are a few certain methods that are included in telemarketing. One can do a telemarketing pitch via telephone, fax or internet. Telemarketing does not include direct mail marketing in its marketing process. 

One can sell a product or service in different ways. Telesales is definitely one of the most efficient ones among those methods.



Telemarketing is a relevant marketing strategy from an early age of marketing. In the early years, telemarketing has remained the most profitable business strategy for a long period of time. It has the best statistics for acquiring new clients and expanding business at a rapid growth rate. 

Just like any other modern marketing technique, telemarketing also has a lot of functions to offer. We have noted down the functions below for you to go through it. Afterwards, you can work on your strategy if you want to choose to telemarket for your business. 


  • Generating new sales leads:

This is the goal of each marketing strategy. Business wants to expand. And that can happen only by selling services and products more than before. 


  • Audience acquisition for business to grow:

A business needs a steady growth in its existing consumer base in order to outgrow itself. Telemarketing aims to do that.


  • Market research:

The use of telemarketing lies within the market research. The sales team runs deep research of the market to know consumers’ choices and the current trend of the product. 


  • Sales campaigns:

Telemarketers are a key component of a successful sales campaign. A telemarketer can close deals. From up-selling products to conducting surveys, telemarketing provides a number of services that adds value to the existing sales campaign.


  • How telemarketers handle sales tasks:

Telemarketers can handle a lot of sales tasks efficiently. All you need to know is what tasks you need to assign your telemarketers. There are different types of tasks present that can be given to a telemarketer.


  • Cold calling:

This is the most common task a telemarketer handles. All those sales calls during dinner times are these cold calling performed by them. These calls have the purpose to engage with potential consumers rather than closing a deal. If a person refuses or rejects a product, a telemarketer tries to influence the person’s decision. Through cold calling, they try to keep encouraging the target audience to come on board. 



Hiring a telemarketer frees up your time. If you are launching a new brand or a product, explaining it to consumers takes up a lot of time. But when you have a telemarketer on your team, you can leave the task of explaining part to the guy. A telemarketer doesn’t only explain your products and service to the audience but also answers their queries. 


CRM tools update:

A salesperson can work best when they have updated information about their consumer base. But engaging with each customer and leading is a time-consuming job. As a business owner, your focus should be on many important issues. But not knowing what the consumers are preferring currently can also cost you your business growth. That’s why including telemarketing can be a great decision if you can think the right way. A telemarketer can keep an updated list of customer names, contact information and previous call lists with notes. They will put the new data point on the CRM software. Thus your salesperson will know the correct details of the consumers before pitching them.


Guiding through customer concern:

Having trouble with a new product and service is a common issue which business get enquired about. If you have a team ready to ease their concerns and troubleshoot their initial problems step-by-step, it will help your business to gain trust. When necessary, they can refer the concern to the QA team who has better technical knowledge. Another popular issue, they resolve is billing concerns. What a telemarketer does is investigate an issue and resolve the problem. But if they can’t be the best help customer is searching for, they can easily pass down the issue to a higher authority like managers.


Performing cross-selling and up-selling:

An important part of a telemarketer’s job is bringing in more revenue and adding more value. For that, cross-selling and up-selling are the best component, telemarketing can aim for. Cross-selling is selling different products as the by-product of the original ones. And up-selling is selling a premium version of the targeted product. When a business launches a premium version of a free service or product, it generates more revenue. Telemarketers aim to sell the premium version along with the free service. It also grows consumers’ interest in the brand’s value. 


Consumer survey:

Conducting surveys is best done by telemarketers. No business can grow without consumers’ feedback. Conducting a survey is the best way possible to know more about their experiences and preferences. A telemarketer calls the target audience and gathers information about what they like and what was their previous experience with similar products and services. This information adds value while pitching them next time. 



 To take leverage of the best telemarketing benefits, many companies in the west outsource their workload to the Indian subcontinent. There are a few efficient telemarketing company in Kolkata, Mumbai, Delhi and in other parts of India. These telemarketing companies have specialization sectors where they provide surveys. 

V3 Outsourcing Solution is a successful telemarketing company in Kolkata conducting tasks for USA, Australia and UK companies. If you are in search of one of such companies, contact V3 Outsourcing Solutions.

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