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Do you want to bring new leads to your business? But, you are quite doubtful about the process. It is because of that lead generation has modified its course a lot in the past years. From traditional sales pitches to modern lead generation, the methods are more articulate and organic now. 

Irrespective of what your business’s size is, B2B lead generation is always useful for business. 

Even for B2C business models, lead generation can improve the high involvement purchase rate.  

This article tells you about what lead generation is and what are the types. Have a good read of the article to understand the concept. 

But, if you still need some professional help, there is a popular lead generation company in Kolkata, V3 Outsourcing Solution to ease your burden. V3 Outsourcing Solution has a list of services dedicated to bringing new leads to your business. 

Finish the article first to know the basics of lead generation. 

What Is Lead Generation?

Businesses use lead generation for targeting new people and then converting them into existing customers through multiple processes. These processes are called lead generation.

There was a time, people used to only think of assertive salespeople or long forms of emails. But the scenario has changed over the years. In this tech age, lead generation has become of of the most subtle process of marketing. It doesn’t depend on pushy behaviour anymore. Now it is more aligned with consumer behaviour analysis. 

Marketplaces have become online and people have found ways to block out approaches or sales pitches from brands. Thus, even consistent behaviour also falls short of convincing people to make a purchase. People don’t even respond to any kind of pitch that is not specifically tailored for them. No matter how good your salesperson is, if the conversation fails to intrigue their interests or is not relevant to their current need, they will surely ignore the pitch. 

Instead of that, modern lead generation includes the following steps:

  • Target 1:1 approach.
  • Cultivate a more personal relationship with consumers.
  • Educate consumers about the products and related concerns.
  • Connect with consumers on multiple channels through consistent massaging. 

Modern lead generation works as a traversal programme among multiple departments with the same business. It can include the development team or service team depending on what is included in the sales pitch. If a brand is offering a free trial on any product, the modern lead generation programme will consist of a service team alongside the marketing team. 

The  Quality OF Leads Plays The Role:


The quality of leads plays a vital role in the lead generation process. Since lead generation includes many steps that run across many departments within the business. It is crucial that these teams work in sync to provide quality leads that work well for other teams.

The lead generation programme generally consists of two teams: the marketing team and the sales team. But every department has unique objectives and KPIs. hence, understanding what works best for other teams is utterly important for making quality leads.

The sales team has a target to achieve a certain amount of sales each month. The marketing team on the other hand gets incentives for bringing as many leads as possible. If the marketing team brings in low-quality leads in high volume, then the sales team might not get a return from those leads. As low-quality leads turn less into paying customers. If it happens, then the sales team will never achieve their target. For this reason, a low volume of high-quality leads always performs the best than a high volume of low-quality leads. 

That’s why for bringing the most return from lead generation, the outline of work must be pre-set between the marketing team and the sales team. Which strategy works the best for both departments, that is needed to be incorporated into the lead generation process.

Types Of Lead Generation:

Lead generation is applied by brands and businesses to target potential consumers. The B2B and B2C leads refer to those people who might be interested in that product or service. And they also have the potential to become existing consumers. The B2B leads are a business term to refer to the new potential targets. 

We will discuss here the types of leads in the lead generation process.

Cold calling:

Cold calling is one of the many techniques lead generation companies to use to connect with their target audience. These calls are made to people who have not shown any active interest in certain products or services. Via these calls, companies try to inform about new services or offers so that they might feel interested enough to connect to the marketing team.


Marketing qualified leads( MQL):

When your marketing team has identified some targeted leads, they are called marketing qualified leads or MQL. These leads have shown interest in certain products or services. With the right approach, they are very likely to become existing customers. 

Whom will we consider as marketing qualified leads?

There are four qualification criteria for MQL. let’s learn them one by one.

  • If a person repeatedly visits your site.
  • If someone has filled out one form or several on your website.
  • When someone has signed up or is attending any event or webinar on your website. 
  • If a person has downloaded your site’s content.

Lead generation companies like V3 Outsourcing Solution Pvt. Ltd has an in-house expert team to build these funnels and forward targets from cold calling to sales funnel. We make sure to connect the right audience prospect to the perfect service provider. Our call centre services for inbound and outbound calls are a great help in generating new qualified leads. 

Let’s understand one thing, not all persons registering their email ids will become paying consumers. That’s why marketing leads need to have more qualified criteria. For example, when a person fills out a form with questions on a certain service or product, they have a higher chance to become a paid customer. Because they are actively interested in that product or service. 


Sales qualified leads (SQL):

Those MQLs have passed through the funnel and have shown clear intent to buy your company’s product or service. That’s when they will be engaged with the sales team. 

The below categories are qualified as Sales Qualified Leads.

  • If someone wants to have a demo of your product or service.
  • If one is asking for more information about your company or product.
  • When a person is engaged in a telephonic conversation.
  • If a client is reverting your texts or emails.


For businesses, sales-ready leads are more valuable than marketing leads. Since SQLs have a higher rate of return, brands take more serious measures at this step. 

But how will we determine the quality of the leads? The ratio of MQLs to SQLs is the measurement of the quality of lead generation. 

The quality will decide how many new customers will be added to the brand’s existing database of consumers.


Product-qualified leads(PQL):

Product-qualified leads are those leads who have gained experience in using the concerned product or service. This happens when a business offers limited free service or demo products.

Modern lead generation uses SaaS as a tool. Because of that, even without speaking to the sales team, a potential client can become PQL. 


Service qualified leads:

Brands are always eager to take new consumers onboard. But keeping the existing customer engaged with the business is equally important. Service qualified leads to indicate to those consumers. When your existing consumer shows interest in a new product, the person becomes a service-qualified lead. 

For a unique business, the lead generation has to be unique. Determine what your business needs and act accordingly. 


Final Words:

But it still can be confusing to apply the method in your business. For that, you deserve some assistance from professionals. V3 Outsourcing Solution is a lead generation company in Kolkata that has a great reputation of 10+ years of service in this domain. Our qualified team can handle your business with equal empathy as yours. We bring qualified leads for your business consistently via inbound call centres, outbound call centres, chat support, email marketing and data entry services. Try our free consultation service to know more about us. 


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